Kwe Trust is a charitable organization
established and registered as a corporate body under the TRUSTEES (PERPETUAL
SUCCESSION) ACT 164, Laws of Kenya on 28 July 2008. The Trust is found to
serve the vulnerable and marginalized members of rural populations in various counties in Kenya. These include but not limited to women, orphans, the elderly, PWDs and
other groups excluded from society’s mainstream organizing.
We are a non-profit organisation in Kenya that works towards supporting underprivileged children and youth have access to quality education.
We are a non-profit organisation in Kenya that works towards empowering rural women.
We are a non-profit organisation in Kenya that works towards making rural populations be food secure
We are a non-profit organisation in Kenya that supports communities to address the underlying causes of conflict and to build meaningful peace at a grassroots level.
We are a non-profit organisation in Kenya that works towards making rural populations have access to clean water
We are a non-profit organisation in Kenya that works towards supporting rural populations have access, quality and affordable health care services
We are a non-profit organisation in Kenya that supports environmental conservation
We are a non-profit organisation in Kenya that endevours to empower youth to have the capacity and skills to create or seek employment
We are a non-profit organisation in Kenya that endevours to support both male and female elders to age gracefully